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Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It is very important that you are mindful of all portion sizes.  If you are making portions for a family and you are a lady your size should be a little smaller than your husband's.  You are smaller therefore you eat a little less.  If you are starting with a base of a cup of "protein" he might get a little more, and then a little more fruit and then a little more vegetables.  It isn't to say either of you can't have more.  It is to say be mindful of your portion sizes.  If you happen to be in a house where the lady is a six foot tall body builder and the man is a five foot tall business man the rules might be different.  In general, be mindful of your sizes.

One other thing,  just because other "diets" have claimed that a vegetable is a "free" food does not mean we should scarf them down.  No, we want to be mindful and respectful of each item that we eat.  Somebody made the food that we are eating, If you believe it truly God made that food, at the very least the cook made the food appreciate each item that you are eating.  Try chewing each bite 15-20 times, slow down and appreciate what it is that you are doing.  Love life!!



Plain Greek Yogurt one portion


Hot tea with Honey and Almond Milk




Colorful Salad - Kale, spinach, arugula, carrots, tomatoes, celery etc. (The more color the better)
Balsamic vinegar and a small amount of olive oil
Two organic hard boiled eggs

Orange and mango salad


Whole Organic Lemon Chicken with Carrots, Parsnips, Celery and Onions



Mangoes and plain yogurt

Hot green tea

1 comment:

  1. Recent studies have shown drinking green tea might boost metabolism, oolong teas can lower blood sugar, and black teas can promote oral health.
    Food Network
