So the big question has been, "How did you lose 60 pounds?".....
My answer, "Mindfully.." I no long eat things with words I cannot pronounce. If I can't pronounce it I typically do not eat it.
I first started getting sick with migraines ( and something called pseudo-tumor cerebri ( ) . Both were coming from eating bad food, both from stress, and both were coming from being VERY over weight..
As much as I did not want to admit it, being over 240 pounds was no way to live. I wasn't ever a Coca-Cola drinker, we always drank Crystal light or Diet Coke as an adult I preferred the "heft" of Coke Zero. When it came to eating sure did I have poor eating habits, yes but did I "pig out" 24/7 no I did not. Why was I constantly battling my weight? I have no idea. I have been on a diet since I was 12.
Back to the weight loss... In October I made the conscious decision to remove all chemicals from our diet. That is step one...
STEP ONE - Forgive yourself and start removing the chemicals from your diet. ALL CHEMICALS NEED TO GO, your prescriptions are even going to start reducing. Think of your ancestors, or Jesus they didn't go to Walgreens for every little thing now did they? We can do better that going to Walgreens, CVS, ETC...
It is harder than it sounds, we will start with what you are drinking. You are going to go through varying amounts of withdrawal. Coffee and Tea can stay as long at it isn't something that is a vessel for donuts and cigarettes. I have a cup of coffee from time to time and tea has a lot of benefits, especially green tea. Listed below are the items that HAVE TO GO:
Soda - All soda, diet soda, sprite, everything anything with a word you can't pronounce GOES!
Splenda - Yellow stuff
Aspartame - Nutra Sweet
Saccharine - Sweet and Low
and for that matter Sugar Twin for anyone who remembers the original fake Yellow stuff
WHITE SUGAR - It rots your teeth, your body, your mind and probably your SOUL
Fruit Juice - Tropicana is not your friend - Eat and orange, don't drink it. Our portion sizes are WAY TOO BIG
Milk does not do a body good - Cow's milk isn't your friend either. We might have milk, Organic milk, sparingly. Honestly Almond milk is a much better alternative.
What am I drinking?
Brewed Teas - Hot or cold
Filtered water
Unsweetened Almond milk
Club Soda unflavored no chemicals
Seltzer unflavored no chemicals
S. Pellegrino (San Pellegrino) "Mineral Water"
Coffee - 2-4 cups per week with almond milk or whole organic cows milk
Hot Tea 2-5 cups per day with 1 teaspoon of honey. If I drink black tea I will add "milk" and I vary the "milk"
It is very important that anything that you drink has ZERO CHEMICALS.
Alcohol Beverages
If I drink it is rare, and this is for a few reasons:
Alcohol has become a huge migraine trigger
Empty calories
The more you drink the more you will eat... They go hand in hand..
So drink carefully
A nice Vodka Martini (Dirty) or Vodka and Club Soda is always a pleasant way to close an evening.
I will cook with wine (Jesus drank wine), and probably have a Sangria recipe when it gets warm out. I am not a SAINT, I am GINA... :-)
Until we meet again, EAT CLEAN.... if I can do it, we can do it together.... its a lifestyle!!!
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